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Opções Binárias Di Indonesia

IQ Option Indonésia Bila anda sudah lucro negociação saat nya anda melakukan penarikan cara melakukan retirada pada intermediário iqoption: 1. Klik pada bagian Retirar fundos Tentukan anda mau Retirar ke mana bila e um depósito pertama kali dengan kartu kredit maka untuk Retirar harus ke kartu kredit terlebih dahulu Sampai jumlah nya sama dengan jumlah pada waktu anda depósito misal: anda depósito 100 Balance anda sudah mencapai 250 Bila anda melakukan Retirar maka anda harus tarik dulu 100 ke kartu kredit anda sisanya baru anda bisa Retirar carteira ke seperti Skrill. Netteller, FasaPay dan lain nya. Bila anda Retirada ke Skrill isi berapa jumlah yang mau ditarik dan tulis alamat conta de e-mail Skrill anda Bila belum punya conta Skrill bisa daftar pada link dibawah ini gt Daftar Skrill Dicas iqoption retirada Karena untuk proses retirada agak lama bisa 3 hari sementara anda masih trading bisa kemungkinan Anda banyak loss sehingga nanti jumlah equilíbrio anda sudah berkurang dan tidak sesuai lagi dengan jumlah yang anda tarik sehingga secara otomatis retirada e um akan di cancelar. Maka supaya proses retirada e uma bisa berjalan lancar sebaik nya e uma istirahat dulu trading samapi uang anda masuk ke carteira de contas anda, bila sudah masuk baru e uma mulai trading lagi. Tapi bila e um membro VIP retirada nya bisa lebih cepat proses nya. Gt Daftar Membro VIP IQ Opção Untuk menentukan ponto de entrada binário de negociação kita bisa menggunakan garis apoio resistência bila anda kesulitan menentukan garis resistência de suporte bisa indicador de menggunakan Pivô Ponto de CCI Gunakan gráfico de Freestockchart Tambahkan Indicador Pivô Ponto de CCI dengan prazo 5 atau 15 menit. Bila harga mengenai garis ponto de pivô konfirmasi dengan indicador CCI apakah harga sudah overbought atau oversold bila harga dibawah -100 aberto posisi Ligue para sebalik nya bila harga diatas garis 100 aberto posisi Put. Tentu kita harus perhatikan juga bentuk dari candelabro tunggu sampai terbentuk dodji yaitu candlestik dengan pola ekor nya lebih panjang dari corpo yang menandakan akan terjadi pembalikan arah Karena pada trading binário kita hanya menentukan apakah harga akan naik atau turun maka emrty ponto sangat menentukan kemenangan trading binário. Estratégia anda bisa mencoba ini dengan mencoba demo account IQ Option dinheiro virtual dengan 1000 Harap isi alamat email anda Belajar Gratis Blog Binary Blog Archive 8220RISK AVISO: ATENÇÃO: POR FAVOR, OBSERVE QUE A OPERAÇÃO BINÁRIA TRABALHA ENCUIENTA RISCO SUBSTANCIAL DE PERDA E NÃO PODE SER ADEQUADA PARA TODOS. A NEGOCIAÇÃO PODERIA LEVAR A PÉRDIDA DE SUA CAPITAL INVESTIDA8221.Profit 100 Perhari Panduan gratis meraih rendimento 100 lebih setiap hari dari negociação opção binária dengan strategi trading 100 Lucro Atau Trading otomatis dengan ROBOT TRADING GRATIS tanpa perlu keahlian apapun dan bisa anda coba demo trading gratis yang sangat Mudah8230 8220GARANSI 100 PROFIT amp MUDAH DIJALANKAN8221 Contoh Pembayaran Terbaru 1000 lebih Yang Saya Terima Via Skrill: Bukti pembayaran sejak 2016 lebih dari 4000 dan total lebih dari 25,000 TIPS TRADING BINARY DENGAN STRATEGY 100 PROFIT Estratégia ini adalah hasil analisa dari lebih 10,000 kali trading yang sudah di Teste dan sudah terbukti sangat profitabel serta bebas resiko. Trik ini terbukti bisa meraih lebih 100 lucro por hari dan bisa anda coba dengan 1000 demo trading gratis8230 APA ITU TRADING OPÇÕES BINÁRIAS: Trading binário di jalankan dengan mercado yang sama persis dengan forex trading tetapi lebih mudah di lakukan dan memberikan lucro yang lebih besar. Profitnya sampai 82. Misalnya jika anda order 10 maka bisa menjadi 18,2 atau lucro 8.2 dan jika lossrugi adalah sebesar nilai ordem 10 Hanya Pelu ordem Ligar atau Put. Ligue para jika harga di perkirakan naik dan Put jika harga di perkirakan turun. Pedir akan lucro walaupun hanya selisih 1 Poin saja. Durasi Waktu trading mulai 1 Menit. Ordem de negociação sesuai dengan durasi, jika order dengan waktu expirou 1 menit maka bisa lucro 182 dalam 1 menit saja. Ordem Misalnya Call 8211 EURUSD sebesar 10 di harga 1.0913 55 dan setelah 1 menit expirou di harga 1.0913 59 maka bisa profit menjadi 18,2 karena harga expired diatas harga order. Untuk Put harus expirou di bawah harga order. Untuk melakukan trading bisa anda jalankan secara 8220 Manual Trading dengan strategy 100 lucro 8221 artinya anda trading sendiri sekaligus untuk belajar cara trading agar mengetahui tata caranya dengan baik. PANDUAN MUDAH TRADING DEMO amplificador REAL DENGAN ESTRATÉGIA 100 GANHOS Silahkan mendaftar gratis Buka Akun trading gratis Klik di sini Untuk Mobile do Android klik disini Silahkan klik 8220 Registrasi 8220, isikan nama dan email anda dan ikuti proses registras sampai selesai. Lihat email anda dan konfirmasikan pendaftaran lalu anda bisa Login untuk akses trading area Demo Trading. Login ke account anda dan klik 8220 Prática 10008243 di bagian atas dan Anda bisa berlatih trading secara gratis dengan account demo 1000. Gunakan strategi trading di bawah untuk melihat betapa mudahnya melakukan negociação opções binárias dengan strategi 100 lucro atau anda bisa test trading otomatis dengan robot trading grátis. Real Trading. Login ke Conta anda dan lakukan depósito mulai 10 saja maka anda bisa mulai melakukan real comércio dengan cara klik menu 8220 Real Trading 8221 di bagian atas maka Anda bisa trading dengan uang sebenarnya dan memperoleh lucro berupa uang riil yang bisa anda cairkan. Anda Bisa mulai trading real dengan deposit mulai 10 saja dan trading 1 por pedido. Bisa trading otomatis dengan robot grátis atau manual de negociação dengan strategi 100 profit. Trik trading dengan robot bisa anda lihat di bagian bawah halaman ini. Juga VIDEO TRIK TRADING PROFIT 2600 DALAM 10 MENIT. Vídeo Panduan trading lengkap yang bisa menghasilkan lucro 2600 dalam 10 menit bisa anda akses di bagian paling bawah halaman ini. TRIK TRADING MANUAL DENGAN STRATEGI 100 PROFIT Dicas Mudah Melakukan Trading, Seting Grafik Dan Menentukan Saat Ordem Untuk pemula sebaiknya coba 8220 Demo Trading 8221 dahulu sampai bisa melakukan negociação dengan baik dengan estratégia di bawah setelah itu bisa melakukan 8220 RealTrading 8221 dengan melakukan depósito mulai 10 saja . Setelah anda abrir conta maka anda bisa melakukan trading pada saat hari tradingtrading dia yaitu mulai hari Senin pukul 5 Pagi sampai Hari Minggu Pukul 5 Pagi WIB. Untuk Mulai Trading bisa dengan akses site iqoption lalu Login dan klik 8220 Negociação 8221 dan tunggu sampai muncul grafik dengan sempurna di comerciante room e danse bisa pilih trading Real Trading atau Prática 1000 untuk mencoba demo trading. Anda bisa melihat grafik tempat untuk melakukan trading DEMO dengan mercado sesungguhnya yang sama persis dengan Negociação real de troca de demonstração de melakukan. Jika ingin trading nyata real trading maka bisa login ke trading nyata. Pilih Aset yang akan anda tradekan misalnya pada senin pagi dari jam 7 pagi anda bisa pilih aset NZDUSD atau EURUSD dll. (Klik disini untuk melihat gambar cara pilih aset) Pilih Modelo grafik Tick Gráfico atau Gráfico de velas. Disini saya contohkan yang paling mudah memilih morel Carimbo gráfico (Klik disini untuk melihat gambar cara pilih modelo gráfico) Pilih Indicator untuk mempermudah melihat saat yang tepat melakukan ordem. Disini saya contohkan yang mudah dan akurat dengan memakai indicador 8220 Bolinger Bandas 8221. (Klik disini untuk melihat gambar pertama cara pilih indicador 8211 Klik disini untuk melihat gambar kedua cara pilih indicador bolinger bandas). Bolinger bandas akan menampilkan 3 garis yaitu gartis batas atas, garis tengah dan garis batas bawah. Setelah anda memilih aset, modelo de Memilih gráfico e indicador de setagem maka dengan mudah bisa melihat saat yang tepat melakukan order Call atau Put. (Klik disini untuk melihat contoh gambar hasilnya) Cara Mudah Melakukan Ordem Ligue atau Colocar Cara Ordem Ligar 8211 Isikan Jumlah Quantidade misalnya 10 dan klik tombol 8220Call8221. Lihat posisi ujung grafik Jika ujung grafik di titik terendah atau di garis batas bawah dan anda perkirakan akan naik lagi maka bisa melakukan ordem Chamada dengan mengisikan Quantidade dan klik tombol 8220 Chamada 8220 Cara Pedido Put 8211 Isikan Jumlah Quantidade misalnya 10 dan klik tombol 8220 Pon 8221 . Lihat posisi ujung grafik Jika ujung grafik di titik tertinggi atau garis batas atas dan anda perkirakan akan turun lagi maka bisa melakukana ordem Put dengan mengisikan Quantidade dan klik tombol 8220 Pon 8220 Contohnya anda bisa melakukan order 8220 Ligue para 8221 saat harga berada dititik terendah yaitu ujung Grafik berada di garis batas bawah indicador bolinger bandas seperti gambar di bawah (Klik disini untuk lihat gambar) Contoh Order Call dengan grafik tick chart saat ujung grafik berada di titik rendah garis bawah maka bisa anda isikan quantidade dan klik 8220Call8221 untuk melakukan order Chamada. Lihat gambar di bawah Contoh kedua order Chamada dengan grafik tick chart saat ujung grafik di batas bawah Trik Super Mudah Meraih Profit dengan Trading 1 Menit. Contoh. Pedir chamada di titik terendah amp Put di titik tertinggi. Strategi ini sangat bagus hasilnya saat grafik Nenhuma tendência atau turun naik atau 8220 Sideway mercado 8221 misalnya pada hari senin sampai jum8217at dari mulai jam 5 pagi sampai jam 12 siang sebelum mercado Eropa dan EUA aberto. Lakukan order 8220 CALL 8221 di titik terendah yaitu saat ujung grafik berada di garis batas bawah bolinger bands. Isikan besar order di kotak Quantidade em klik 8220 Call 8220 Lakukan order 8220 PUT 8221 di titik tertinggi yaitu saat ujung grafik berada di garis batas atas bandas de bolinger. Isikan besar order di kotak Quantidade dan klik 8220 Colocar 8220 Silahkan lihat contoh cara trading diatas saat yang tepat melakukan order Chamada. Masukkan nilai order di bagian 8220 Quantidade 8221 sebelah kanan misalnya Rp.1000 untuk rupiah atau 1 untuk USD lalu klik tombol 8220Call8221 Tunggu sampai waktunya expirou sekitar 1 menit, Jika ganha maka akan memperleh total 182 dari nilai order anda. Misalnya order 1 win menjadi 1.82 dan order 10 win menjadi 18.2 Aplikasikan Estratégia de negociação 100 Profit di bawah ini. Strategi ini adalah sebagai antisipasi jika anda salah melakukan ordem de mengalami perda atau rugi maka bisa tetap lucro dengan menjalankan strategi ini (Video panduan trading 100 lucro bisa di akses bagian bawah halaman ini) Misalnya anda melakukan order pertama 10 (di IQoption bisa order mulai 1 saja) Pertama order 8220 Call108243 (67 kemungkinan win 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke order pertama 10) Jika anda sudah berhasil melakukan ordem pertama tetapi grafik masih terus turun, maka anda bisa melakukan ordem kedua sebesar 2 kali lipat 8220 Ligue 20 8221 di titik Yang lebih rendah dari order pertama. (79 kemungkinan win 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke order pertama 10) Jika anda sudah berhasil melakukan ordem ke-dua tetapi grafik masih terus turun, maka anda bisa melakukan ordem ketiga sebesar 2 kali lipat order kedua 8220 Ligue 50 8221 di titik yang lebih rentah Ordem de ordem kedua. (98 kemungkinan win 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke order pertama 10) Jika anda sudah berhasil melakukan ordem ke-tiga tetapi grafik masih terus turun, maka anda bisa melakukan ordem ke - empat sebesar 2 kali lipat order ketiga 8220 Chamar 120 8221 di titik yang Lebih rendah dari order ketiga. ((99.9 kemungkinan win) 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke ordem pertama 10) Setiap order anda loss harus order yang sama dengan nilai 2x lipat order selanjutnya dan jika Win harus kembali lagi ke order pertama. Jika anda melakukan order pertama mulai 1 maka Ordem kedua 2. Order ketiga 5 dan keempat 12 Agar bisa menjalankan strategi 100 proft maka sebaiknya depósito mulai 100 Anda juga bisa melakukan trading secara otomatis dengan Membuat Robot Trading yang memakai sistem 100 lucro ini dan panduan bisa anda akses di halaman bawah. Ilustrasi profitnya sebagai berikut dengan retorno 200 Ordem pertama 10 jika lucro menjadi 20 Jika ordem pertama perda 10 lalu ordem kedua 20 lucro maka. Lucro 40 ordem de ordem kedua di kurangi ordem pertama 10 dan kedua 20 (total 30). Lucro total 40 8211 30 10 Jika ordem pertama 10 perda, kedua 20 perda dan ketiga 50 lucro maka. Procura 100 ordem de ordem ketiga di kurangi ordem total pertama 10 kedua 20 ketiga 50 (total 80). Lucro total 100 8211 80 20 Jika ordem pertama 10 perda, kedua 20 perda, ketiga 50 perda dan ke-empat 120 lucro maka Profit 240 dari ordem ke empat di kurangi ordem total ke pertamakeduaketigakeempat (102050120 200). Total de rendimentos 240 8211 200 40 lucros Jadi dengan strategi ini bisa di katakan hasil akhirnya selalu lucro sehingga di sebut strategi trading 100 lucro. Lakukan order dengan cepat dan setiap posisi grafik sedang di atas maka segera order 8220 PUT 8220. Pastikan anda berlatih melakukan order dengan cepat agar order anda bisa tepat di titik tertinggi. Jika posisi ujung grafik di bawah maka bisa ordem 8220 CHAMADA 8220. Setelah berhasil melakukan ordem maka tinggal menunggu sekitar 1 menit sampai waktunya expirou dan lihat hasil order anda. Jika Win maka akan lucro 200 ordem 10 menjadi 20, ordem 50 menjadi 100 dan jika perda maka rugi sebesar nilai ordem anda. Karena itu pastikan anda bisa berlatih melakukan ordem yang tepat dan akurat agar bisa selalu lucro. Jangan kuatir Jika hasil order anda masih loss sebab anda bisa menerapkan strategi trading 100 lucro seperti panduan agar order anda tetap menghasilkan lucro. PENING. Estratégia de negociação di asas akan berhasil baik saat market sidewaysturun naik. Anda bisa mempelajari dan menerapkan estratégia de negociação yang lebih lengkap agar bisa trading dengan baik. Silahkan akses 8220 Estratégia Trading Lengkap disini 8221 ESTRATÉGIA TRADING DENGAN MENGIKUTI TREND DAN METODE 100 LUCRO Trik trading ini cocoknya di jalankan saat mercado sedang UP tendência atau Down tendência. Dan sangat bagus jika anda mengikuti trend untuk melakukan order. Saat Upward TrendTrend Naik sebaiknya anda Hanya Melakukan Ordem 8220 UP 8221 atau 8220 CONHECE 8221. Contoh Video a seguir a lista de pedidos para pedidos de pedidos CALL saat UP TREND gt KLIK DISINI Saat Down TrendTrend Turun sebaiknya anda Hanya Melakukan 8220 DOWN 8221 atau 8220 PUT 8220. Contoh Video Untuk mengetahui saat terbaik order PUT saat DOWN TREND gt KLIK DISINI Untuk No Trend SidewaysTurun naik bisa ikuti estratégia PUT di titik tetinggi dan CALL di titik terendah. Contoh Video untuk mengetahui saat terbaik ordem PUT atau CALL dengan patokan Pin Bar Estratégia gtgt KLIK DISINI (Vídeo panduan trading 100 bisa di akses de bagian bawah halaman ini) Agar lebih mudah melakukan negociação mengikuti tendência mercado maka modelo carta bisa anda rubah dan pilih Vela gráfico. Contoh Order Call dengan grafik Carta de velas Contoh untuk Up Trend Peluang order terbaik adalah CALL atau UP Contoh order ini dengan order pertama mulai 10. Anda bisa trading dengan order mulai 1 saja. Pertama order 8220 CALL 10 8221 (67 kemungkinan win) pada saat vela beningnaik Jika ordem pertama perda, lakukan ordem kedua 8220 CHAMADA 20 8221 (79 kemungkinan win) Jika ordem perda kedua, lakukan ordem ketiga 8221 CHAMADA 50 8221 (98 kemungkinan win) Jika Ordem ketiga loss, lakukan order ke empat 8220 CALL120 8221 (99,9 kemungkinan win) Jika ganha maka anda harus kembalai ke ordem pertama 10 Teste trik ini dan lihat betapa mudahnya menjalankan trading Jika anda order pertama mulai 1 maka. Ordem ke22, ordem ke35 dan ordem ke4 12 Untuk trik ini di butuhkan depósito 100 atau lebih Contoh up tendência seperti gambar di atas Contoh untuk Down Trend Peluang ordem terbaik adalah BAIXO atau PUT atau Pertoma ordem 8220 PUT 10 8221 (67 kemungkinan win) pada Saat candle putihdown Jika order pertama loss, lakukan order kedua 8220 PUT 20 8221 (79 kemungkinan win) Jika order kedua loss, lakukan order ketiga 8221 PUT 50 8221 (98 kemungkinan win) Jika order ketiga loss, lakukan order ke empat PUT120 8221 (99.9 Kemungkinan win) Jika ganha maka anda harus kembalai ke order pertama 10 Jika anda order pertama mulai 1 maka. Ordem ke22, Ordem ke35 dan ordem ke4 12 Teste trik ini dan lihat betapa mudahnya menjalankan trading Untuk trik ini di butuhkan depósito 100 atau lebih Ilustrasi profitnya sebagai berikut dengan retorno 200 Ordem pertama 10 jika lucro menjadi 20 Jika ordem pertama perda 10 lalu ordem kedua 20 Lucro maka. Lucro 40 ordem de ordem kedua di kurangi ordem pertama 10 dan kedua 20 (total 30). Lucro total 40 8211 30 10 Jika ordem pertama 10 perda, kedua 20 perda dan ketiga 50 lucro maka. Procura 100 ordem de ordem ketiga di kurangi ordem total pertama 10 kedua 20 ketiga 50 (total 80). Lucro total 100 8211 80 20 Jika ordem pertama 10 perda, kedua 20 perda, ketiga 50 perda dan ke-empat 120 lucro maka Profit 240 dari ordem ke empat di kurangi ordem total ke pertamakeduaketigakeempat (102050120 200). Total de rendimentos 240 8211 200 40 lucros Jadi dengan strategi ini bisa di katakan hasil akhirnya selalu lucro sehingga di sebut strategi trading 100 lucro. Anda juga bisa melakukan trading secara otomatis dengan Membuat Robot Trading yang memakai sistem 100 lucro ini dan panduan bisa anda akses di halaman bawah. Jangan kuatir Jika hasil order anda masih loss sebab anda bisa menerapkan strategi trading 100 lucro seperti panduan agar order anda tetap menghasilkan lucro. VIDEO TRIK TRADING PROFIT 2600 DALAM 10 MENIT dan Video Panduan trading lengkap bisa anda akses di bawah ini: Untuk bisa mengakses VIDEO TRIK TRADING DENGAN PROFIT 2600 DALAM 10 MENIT silahkan compartilha dulu via Facebook atau Twitter Setelah anda compartilha maka bisa mengakses langsung VIDEO nya secara otomatis Di bawah ini: Cara Memulai Trading Real, depósito Dan RetiroPenarikan Uang Cara Depósito. Depósito de depósito bisa dengan klik Deposit Fund 8221 dan ikuti prosesnya Pilih metode pembayaran bisa memakai. Fasapay, Skrill, Neteller, Kartu Kredit, Webmoney, Transferência bancária dll Pilih mata uang USD yang paling mudah. Pilih jumlah deposit mulai 10 misalnya anda bisa pilih 100 lalu klik tombol 8220 Lanjutkan 8221 di bagian bawah. Jika memakai kartu kredit maka bisa mengisi dados kartu kredit dan klik Pagar. Jika memakai Fasapay maka bisa langsung isikan conta de dados anda lalu login ke conta anda dan lakukan proses pembayaran sampai selesai. Setelah itu maka otomatis akan di masukkan ke saldo de balanço e troca de informações e banca e comercialização de armas de fogo. Experiência de lucro 100 milhoes de lucros e lucros de memperoleh. Depósito Cepat Dengan Fasapay Untuk indonésia yang cukup mudah adalah depósito memakai Fasapay. Anda bisa membuka conta fasapay lalu membeli saldo dari trocador indonésio seperti 8220Medangold. co. id 8220 Buka account di fasapay 8211 Fasapay Personal. Silahkan membuka conta atau conta de inscrição fasapay klik disini. Akses lalu klik 8220 inscrição 8221 lalu isikan dados primeiro nome dan sobrenome nama anda, email anda, pilih pessoal, isikan Captcha dan klik 8220 próximo 8221. Lalu cek email anda dan klik link untuk verifikasi email. Selanjutnya isikan data nama anda, tanggal lahir, buat password dll dengan lengkap dan ikuti proses registrasi sampai selesai. Maka anda akan memperoleh 8220 Nomor Account Fasapay 8221 yang di kirimkan ke email anda Verifikasi do conjunto pin serta add bank ke Fasapay anda. Lakukan verifikasi dengan upload scan KTP dan Scan bukti alamat misalnya Scan rek listrik, banco de reck, rek air, Asuransi dll salah satu saja. Seting Master PIN anda dan PIN kedua untuk transferência, tarik uang ke bank lokal dll. Anda bisa membuat sendiri mínimo de 6 dígitos. Cara pertama Mengisi Saldo Fasapay dari trocador: Anda bisa membeli saldo trocador di indonésia seperti 8220Medangold. co. id 8220 Cara kedua Mengisi Saldo Fasapay dari fasapay. id. Sesuai dengan aturan baru Banco Indonésia maka anda bisa membuka conta di fasapay. co. id khusus untuk IDR dan fasapay untuk USD (Baca ketentuan baru disini) Pertama buka conta fasapay. id (Baca panduan disini) setelah membuka conta maka anda bisa melakukan depósito dalam IDR atau Rupiah di account fasapay. co. id anda. Cara Mengisi Saldo Fasapay dari fasapay. id. Tambahkan conta fasapay. id anda ke conta fasapay anda (Baca panduan disini) Setelah itu maka anda bisa melakukan depósito dari conta fasapay. id ke conta fasapay anda dalam USD dan selanjutnya melakukan depósito dari fasapay ke conta iqoption. Cara panarikan dana dari fasapay bisa anda baca disini Cara WithdrawPenarikan Dana Dari iQoption Cara WithdrawPenarikan. Silahkan klik menu 8220 Penarikan 8221 di bawah 8220 Lemari Pribadi 8221 sebelah kiri, Lalu pilih metode penarikan misalnya. Fasapay, Skrill, transferência bancária dll. Dan isikan jumlah penarikan yang akan anda lakukan Proses penarikan uangwithdrawal cukup cepat dalam waktu 1-3 hari saja. Jika anda menarik uang via Fasapay maka nantinya bisa anda jual saldo fasapay anda melalui exchanger beberapa di indonesia Bônus ebook lengkap troca opções binárias dari saya sampai anda bisa troca de lucro jika anda join dari link di halaman ini dengan 8220 Buka Conta Nyata 8221 dan depósito mulai 100 saja. Dapatkan ebook lengkap panduan trading dan kunci sukses trading serta info seminarworkshop troca de opções binárias yang bisa anda ikuti. Kontak via email ke. Solusigratisnetyahoo Strategi ini adalah sebagai alternativo jika terjadi perda tetapi yang paling baik adalah jika anda bisa melakukan negociação dengan baik dan akurat sehingga ordem yang anda lakukan bisa selalu lucro. Catatan. Silahkan lakukan teste demo trading dulu sampai anda benar-benar bisa melakukan trading dengan baik dan lucro. Coba demo trading dengan waktu expiração 1 menit baik dengan strategi ordem di titik tertinggiterendah atau order dengan strategi 100 lucro. Juga bisa anda test trading 3 menit atau 5 menit. Lakukan demo trading sampai anda benar-benar bisa order dengan baik dan memperoleh lucro. Jika sudah yakin maka anda bisa trading ao vivo dengan membuka conta de beberapa proker yang bisa di ikuti usuário dari indonesia dan melakukan depósito. Sangat di rekomendasikan depósito lebih dari 100 agar bisa menjalankan strategi 100 lucro. Cara deposit termudah untuk member dari Indonésia dengan Fasapay, info cara buka conta de mengisi saldo fasapay Anda juga bisa depósito e retirar memakai 8220 Neteller 8221 atau Skrill yang di proses secara instan. Cukup Buka conta di neteller, lakukan deposit di neteller anda via transferência bancária transferência atau langsung dari banco lokal ke recomeçando banco neteller biasanya prosesnya sekitar 2 hari kerja atau depósito via cartão de crédito ke neteller. Setelah ada saldo di neteller anda maka bisa digunakan deposit di bininary broker. Ingat trading binário opção juga memiliki resiko untuk perda karena itu anda harus benar-benar berlatih dahulu agar bisa trading dengan baik dan profit. TIPS TRADING DENGAN SOFTWARE OTOMATIS Cara termudah untuk memulai negociação opções binárias adalah dengan menggunakan software de negociação yang akan melakukan trading untuk anda secara otomatis dengan hasil trading yang akurat. Hanya perlu definiu o ID de e-mail e uma plataforma de comércio e comércio. Semua proses trading akan dijalankan software secara otomatis dan bisa menghasilkan 100 lebih per hari. TIPS TRADING DENGAN SOFTWARE TRADING 85 AKURAT gtgt Akses dan Download Software Trading 85 Profit disini Silahkan akses lalu masukkan e-mail e uma untuk juntar Abrir conta de negociação di broker yang di rekomendasikan dari formulário área de membro juga bisa abrir Demo trading account untuk test dan melihat performa robot trading ini . Lakukan deposit mulai 250 di broker tersebut untuk mengaktifkan software de negociação 85 lucro Setelah depósito masuk ke conta anda, silahkan login ke área de membro pada hari senin sampai jum8217at saat dia de negociação untuk menjalankan trading secara otomatis Software akan melakukan trading secara otomatis dengan hasil 85 akurat dan profit PERHATIAN: software de negociação yang saya rekomendasikan ini bukan milikbuatan saya sendiri, Juga belum semuanya saya test sendiri. Akurasinya berdasarkan presentasi dari masing 8211 masing pemilik software dan berdasarkan hasil comentário dari banyak pengguna dan rangkingnya. Jadi jika anda berminat silahkan de teste dahulu dengan depósito mínimo e pedido mínimo untuk melihat performanya. Jika hasilnya bagus bisa anda gunakan dan jika kurang bagus maka sebaiknya anda manual de negociação. Jika perlu bantuan untuk depósito silahkan kirim email atau chat ke: solusigratisnetyahoo Juga bisa via SMS ke. 08566527545 Selamat Mencoba dan semoga Sukses Selalu Navegação por comentários Comentar navegaçãoGuia para opções binárias Trading na Ucrânia O que são opções binárias São um produto financeiro simples que permite aos investidores escolher se um ativo vai subir ou descer ao longo de um período definido. Os retornos são fixos, assim como o tamanho do comércio. Isso torna as decisões de gerenciamento de risco e negociação muito mais simples. O resultado é sempre uma resposta Sim ou Não 8211, portanto, a opção sendo uma opção 8220 binária 8221. Uma vez que uma opção é aberta, resultará em um pagamento fixo ou perda do valor investido quando a opção expirar. Isso leva a adivinhar o trabalho de escolher quando sair de uma troca perdedora ou lucrativa. Embora simples, eles são uma opção de negociação de alto risco elevado. Os pagamentos podem ser tão altos quanto 95, mas o montante inteiro investido está em risco. Eles não serão adequados para todos os investidores. Os comerciantes devem garantir que compreendam completamente os binários antes de negociá-los. Noções básicas de negociação binária O tipo mais comum de opção binária é o comércio simples de 8220UpDown8221. No entanto, existem diferentes tipos de opções. O único fator comum é que o resultado terá um resultado 8220 binário8221 (Sim ou Não). Aqui estão alguns dos tipos disponíveis: UpDown ou HighLow 8211 A opção binária básica e mais comum. Será que um preço terminará maior ou menor do que o preço atual no momento do caducidade. InOut, Range ou Boundary 8211 Esta opção define uma figura 8220high8221 e figura 8220low8221. Os comerciantes prevêem se o preço terminará dentro ou fora desses níveis (ou 8216boundaries8217). TouchNo Touch 8211 Estes estabeleceram níveis, maiores ou menores do que o preço atual. O comerciante tem que prever se o preço real será de 8216touch8217 esses níveis em qualquer ponto entre o momento do comércio e o prazo de validade. Observe com uma opção de toque que o comércio pode fechar antes do horário de expiração 8211 se o nível de preço for tocado antes da opção expirar, então a opção 8220Touch8221 será paga imediatamente, independentemente de o preço se afastar do nível de toque posteriormente. Escada 8211 Estas opções se comportam como um comércio UpDown normal, mas ao invés de usar o preço de exercício atual, a escada terá níveis de preços predefinidos (8216laddered8217 progressivamente para cima ou para baixo). Isso geralmente pode ser algum caminho do preço de ataque atual. Como essas opções Geralmente precisam de um movimento de preço significativo, os pagamentos geralmente irão além de 100 8211, mas ambos os lados do comércio podem não estar disponíveis. Como negociar abaixo é um guia passo a passo para colocar um comércio binário: Escolha um corretor Use nossas avaliações de corretores e ferramentas de comparação para encontrar o melhor site de negociação binária para você. Selecione o ativo ou o mercado para negociar As listas de ativos são enormes e cobrem Commodities, Stocks, Forex ou Índices. O preço do petróleo, ou o preço das ações da Apple, por exemplo. Selecione o tempo de expiração As opções podem expirar em qualquer lugar entre 30 segundos até um ano. Defina o tamanho do comércio Lembre-se de 100 do investimento está em risco Clique em Chamada Colocar ou Comprar Vender O valor do activo aumentará ou diminuirá Alguns botões de etiqueta do corretor de forma diferente. Verifique e confirme o comércio Muitos corretores dão aos comerciantes a chance de garantir que os detalhes estejam corretos antes de confirmar o comércio. Escolha um corretor Nenhum comerciante terá mais sucesso do que seu corretor é honesto. A negociação em opções binárias ainda não está regulamentada o suficiente para ser considerada uma alternativa de investimento estabelecida e, portanto, há muitas operadoras desonestas que tentam aproveitar os comerciantes ingênuos. Note Don8217t NUNCA comércio com um corretor ou use um serviço que 8217 na nossa lista negra e página de fraudes. Fique com os que recomendamos aqui no site. Aqui estão alguns atalhos para páginas que podem ajudá-lo a determinar qual corretor é ideal para você: Compare todos os corretores 8211 se você deseja comparar os recursos e as ofertas de todos os corretores recomendados. Bônus e Ofertas 8211 se você deseja garantir que você obtenha dinheiro extra para negociar com outras promoções e ofertas. Baixo corretor de depósito mínimo 8211 se você deseja negociar de forma real sem ter que depositar grandes somas de dinheiro. Demo Accounts 8211 se você deseja experimentar uma plataforma de negociação 8220 para real8221 sem depositar dinheiro. Halal Brokers 8211 se você é um dos números crescentes de comerciantes muçulmanos. Listas de ativos O número ea diversidade de ativos que você pode negociar variam de corretor para intermediário. A maioria dos corretores fornece opções sobre ativos populares, como grandes pares de divisas, incluindo EURUSD, USDJPY e GBPUSD, bem como índices de ações como o FTSE, SampP 500 ou Dow Jones Industrial. As commodities, incluindo o ouro, a prata, o petróleo também são geralmente oferecidas. As ações individuais e as ações também são negociáveis ​​através de muitos corretores binários. No entanto, nem todas as ações estarão disponíveis, mas geralmente você pode escolher entre cerca de 25 a 100 ações populares, como o Google e a Apple. Essas listas estão crescendo o tempo todo como exige a demanda. As listas de ativos estão sempre listadas claramente em todas as plataformas de negociação, e a maioria dos corretores disponibiliza suas listas completas de ativos em seu site. A informação completa da lista de ativos também está disponível em nossas revisões. Tempo de expiração O prazo de expiração é o ponto em que uma operação está fechada e resolvida. A única exceção é onde uma opção 8216Touch8217 atingiu um nível predefinido antes da expiração. A caducidade para qualquer operação pode variar de 30 segundos, até um ano. Enquanto os binários inicialmente começaram com expirações muito curtas, a demanda assegurou que agora existe uma ampla gama de prazos de caducidade disponíveis. Alguns corretores até oferecem aos comerciantes a flexibilidade para definir seu próprio horário de expiração específico. Os Expiatórios geralmente são agrupados em três categorias: Turbo Curto Prazo 8211. Normalmente, eles são classificadas como caducidades inferiores a 5 minutos. Normal 8211. Isso variará de 5 minutos, até 8216 dias de antecedência 8217, que expiram quando o mercado local desse bem se fecha. Longo prazo 8211 Qualquer prazo para além do final do dia seria considerado de longo prazo. A expiração mais longa pode ser de 12 meses. Regulação Embora seja lento para reagir às opções binárias inicialmente, os reguladores em todo o mundo estão agora começando a regular o setor e a sentir a presença deles. Os principais reguladores atualmente incluem: Autoridade de Conduta Financeira (FCA) 8211 Regulador do Reino Unido Chipre Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec) 8211 Regulador de Chipre, muitas vezes 8216passported8217 em toda a UE, sob a MiFID Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) 8211 Regulador dos EUA Existem também reguladores operacionais Em Malta e na Ilha de Man. Muitas outras autoridades estão agora interessadas em binários especificamente, principalmente na Europa, onde os reguladores domésticos estão interessados ​​em reforçar o regulamento CySec. Unregulated brokers still operate, and while some are trustworthy, a lack of regulation is a clear warning sign for potential new customers. Strategies and Guides We have a lot of detailed guides and strategy articles for both general education and specialized trading techniques. Below are a few to get you started if you want to learn the basic before you start trading. You can find plenty more on the strategy page . Signals and Other Services For further reading on signals and reviews of different services go to the signals page . Beginners Guides If you are totally new to the trading scene then watch this great video by Professor Shiller of Yale University who introduces the main ideas of options: Education for beginners: Types of Trades How to Set Up a Trade The ability to trade the different types of binary options can be achieved by understanding certain concepts such as strike price or price barrier, and expiration date. All trades have dates at which they expire. When the trade expires, the behaviour of the price action according to the type selected will determine if it8217s in profit (in the money) or in a loss position (out-of-the-money). In addition, the price targets are key levels that the trader sets as benchmarks to determine outcomes. We will see the application of price targets when we explain the different types. There are three types of trades. Each of these has different variations. These are: Let us take them one after the other. Also called the UpDown binary trade, the essence is to predict if the market price of the asset will end up higher or lower than the strike price (the selected target price) before the expiration. If the trader expects the price to go up (the Up or High trade), he purchases a call option. If he expects the price to head downwards (Low or Down), he purchases a put option. Expiry times can be as low as 5 minutes. Please note: some brokers classify UpDown as a different types, where a trader purchases a call option if he expects the price to rise beyond the current price, or purchases a put option if he expects the price to fall below current prices. You may see this as a RiseFall type on some trading platforms. The InOut type, also called the 8220tunnel trade8221 or the 8220boundary trade8221, is used to trade price consolidations (in) and breakouts (out). How does it work First, the trader sets two price targets to form a price range. He then purchases an option to predict if the price will stay within the price rangetunnel until expiration (In) or if the price will breakout of the price range in either direction (Out). The best way to use the tunnel binaries is to use the pivot points of the asset. If you are familiar with pivot points in forex, then you should be able to trade this type. TouchNo Touch This type is predicated on the price action touching a price barrier or not. A Touch option is a type where the trader purchases a contract that will deliver profit if the market price of the asset purchased touches the set target price at least once before expiry. If the price action does not touch the price target (the strike price) before expiry, the trade will end up as a loss. A No Touch is the exact opposite of the Touch. Here you are betting on the price action of the underlying asset not touching the strike price before the expiration. There are variations of this type where we have the Double Touch and Double No Touch. Here the trader can set two price targets and purchase a contract that bets on the price touching both targets before expiration (Double Touch) or not touching both targets before expiration (Double No Touch). Normally you would only employ the Double Touch trade when there is intense market volatility and prices are expected to take out several price levels. Some brokers offer all three types, while others offer two, and there are those that offer only one variety. In addition, some brokers also put restrictions on how expiration dates are set. In order to get the best of the different types, traders are advised to shop around for brokers who will give them maximum flexibility in terms of types and expiration times that can be set. Mobile Apps Trading via your mobile has been made very easy as all major brokers provide fully developed mobile trading apps. Most trading platforms have been designed with mobile device users in mind. So the mobile version will be very similar, if not the same, as the full web version. Brokers will cater for both iOS and Android devices, and produce versions for each. Downloads are quick, and traders can sign up via the mobile site as well. Our reviews contain more detail about each brokers mobile app, but most are fully aware that this is a growing area of trading. Traders want to react immediately to news events and market updates, so brokers provide the tools for clients to trade wherever they are. Trading FAQ What Does Binary Options Mean 8220Binary options8221 means, put very simply, a trade where the outcome is a 8216binary8217 YesNo answer. These options pay a fixed amount if they win (known as in the money), but the entire investment is lost, if the binary trade loses. So, in short, they are a form of fixed return financial options. How Does a Stock Trade Work Steps to trade a stock via a binary option Select the stock or equity. Identify the desired expiry time (The time the option will end). Enter the size of the trade or investment Decide if the value will rise or fall and place a put or call The steps above will be the same at every single broker. More layers of complexity can be added, but when trading equities the simple UpDown trade type remains the most popular. Put and Call Options Call and Put are simply the terms given to buying or selling an option. If a trader thinks the underlying price will go up in value, they can open a call. But where they expect the price to go down, they can place a put trade. Different trading platforms label their trading buttons different, some even switch between BuySell and CallPut. Others drop the phrases put and call altogether. Almost every trading platform will make it absolutely clear which direction a trader is opening an option in. Are Binary Options a Scam As a financial investment tool they in themselves not a scam, but there are brokers, trading robots and signal providers that are untrustworthy and dishonest. The point is not to write off the concept of binary options, based solely on a handful of dishonest brokers. The image of these financial instruments has suffered as a result of these operators, but regulators are slowly starting to prosecute and fine the offenders and the industry is being cleaned up. Our forum is a great place to raise awareness of any wrongdoing. These simple checks can help anyone avoid the scams: Marketing promising huge returns . This is clear warning sign. Binaries are a high risk high reward tool they are not a 8220make money online8221 scheme and should not be sold as such. Operators making such claims are very likely to be untrustworthy. Know the broker . Some operators will 8216funnel8217 new customer to a broker they partner with, so the person has no idea who their account is with. A trader should know the broker they are going to trade with These funnels often fall into the 8220get rich quick8221 marketing discussed earlier. Chamadas frias. Professional brokers will not make cold calls they do not market themselves in that way. Cold calls will often be from unregulated brokers interested only in getting an initial deposit. Proceed extremely carefully if joining a company that got in contact this way. This would include email contact as well 8211 any form of contact out of the blue. Terms and Conditions . When taking a bonus or offer, read the full terms and conditions. Some will include locking in an initial deposit (in addition to the bonus funds) until a high volume of trades have been made. The first deposit is the trader8217s cash legitimate brokers would not claim it as theirs before any trading. Some brokers also offer the option of cancelling a bonus if it does not fit the needs of the trader. Do not let anyone trade for you . Avoid allowing any 8220account manager8221 to trade for you. There is a clear conflict of interest, but these employees of the broker will encourage traders to make large deposits, and take greater risks. Traders should not let anyone trade on their behalf. Which Are The Best Trading Strategies Binary trading strategies are unique to each trade. We have a strategy section, and there are ideas that traders can experiment with. Technical analysis is of use to some traders, combined with charts and price action research. Money management is essential to ensure risk management is applied to all trading. Different styles will suit different traders and strategies will also evolve and change. There is no single 8220best8221 strategy. Traders need to ask questions of their investing aims and risk appetite and then learn what works for them. Are Binary Options Gambling This will depend entirely on the habits of the trader. With no strategy or research, then any investment is going to win or lose based only on luck. Conversely, a trader making a well researched trade will ensure they have done all they can to avoid relying on good fortune. Binary options can be used to gamble, but they can also be used to make trades based on value and expected profits. So the answer to the question will come down to the trader. Advantages of Binary Trading The world is filled with a plethora of financial markets, and advances in technology has made it possible for each of these markets to be accessible to the average Joe who has an internet connection and a computer or mobile device. As such, there may be some confusion as to what financial market to participate in. Forex has caught a lot of attention because the promises seen on the sales pages of forex brokers and vendors seem to point to it as a way of easy money. However, because this market has some peculiarities which traders must be thoroughly at home with, many unprepared traders have seen themselves at the wrong end of the market. This is where binary options come to the rescue with its unique set of advantages over other forms of market trading. Minimal Financial Risk If you have traded forex or its more volatile cousins, crude oil or spot metals such as gold or silver, you will have probably learnt one thing: these markets carry a lot of risk and it is very easy to be blown off the market. Too many parameters affect trade outcomes that traders have to battle with. Things like leverage and margin, news events, slippages and price re-quotes, etc can all affect a trade negatively. This is why trading the currency and commodities markets is a risky venture. The situation is different in binary options trading. There is no leverage to contend with, and phenomena such as slippage and price re-quotes have no effect on binary option trade outcomes. This reduces the risk in binary option trading to the barest minimum. Unlike what obtains in other markets, many brokers return a fraction of the amount used in purchasing contracts when the trade is a losing one. Flexibility The binary options market allows traders to trade financial instruments spread across the currency and commodity markets as well as indices and bonds. This flexibility is unparalleled, and gives traders with the knowledge of how to trade these markets, a one-stop shop to trade all these instruments. Simplicity A binary trade outcome is based on just one parameter: direction. The trader is essentially betting on whether a financial asset will end up in a particular direction. In addition, the trader is at liberty to determine when the trade ends, by setting an expiry date. This gives a trade that initially started badly the opportunity to end well. This is not the case with other markets. For example, control of losses can only be achieved using a stop loss. Otherwise, a trader has to endure a drawdown if a trade takes an adverse turn in order to give it room to turn profitable. The simple point being made here is that in binary options, the trader has less to worry about than if he were to trade other markets. Greater Control of Trades Traders have better control of trades in binaries. For example, if a trader wants to buy a contract, he knows in advance, what he stands to gain and what he will lose if the trade is out-of-the-money. This is not the case with other markets. For example, when a trader sets a pending order in the forex market to trade a high-impact news event, there is no assurance that his trade will be filled at the entry price or that a losing trade will be closed out at the exit stop loss. Higher Payouts The payouts per trade are usually higher in binaries than with other forms of trading. Some brokers offer payouts of up to 80 on a trade. This is achievable without jeopardising the account. In other markets, such payouts can only occur if a trader disregards all rules of money management and exposes a large amount of trading capital to the market, hoping for one big payout (which never occurs in most cases). Accessibility In order to trade the highly volatile forex or commodities markets, a trader has to have a reasonable amount of money as trading capital. For instance, trading gold, a commodity with an intra-day volatility of up to 10,000 pips in times of high volatility, requires trading capital in tens of thousands of dollars. This restricts the access of everyday people to such markets. However, binary options has much lower entry requirements, as some brokers allow people to start trading with as low as 10. Disadvantages of Binary Trading Reduced Trading Odds for Sure-Banker Trades The payouts for binary options trades are drastically reduced when the odds for that trade succeeding are very high. While it is true that some trades offer as much as 85 payouts per trade, such high payouts are possible only when a trade is made with the expiry date set at some distance away from the date of the trade. Of course in such situations, the trades are more unpredictable. Lack of Good Trading Tools Some brokers do not offer truly helpful trading tools such as charts and features for technical analysis to their clients. Experienced traders can get around this by sourcing for these tools elsewhere inexperienced traders who are new to the market are not as fortunate. This is changing for the better though, as operators mature and become aware of the need for these tools to attract traders. Limitations on Risk Management Unlike in forex where traders can get accounts that allow them to trade mini - and micro-lots on small account sizes, many binary option brokers set a trading floor minimum amounts which a trader can trade in the market. This makes it easier to lose too much capital when trading binaries. As an illustration, a forex broker may allow you to open an account with 200 and trade micro-lots, which allows a trader to expose only acceptable amounts of his capital to the market. However, you will be hard put finding many binary brokers that will allow you to trade below 50, even with a 200 account. In this situation, four losing trades will blow the account. Cost of Losing Trades Unlike in other markets where the riskreward ratio can be controlled and set to give an edge to winning trades, the odds of binary options tilt the risk-reward ratio in favour of losing trades. In other words, traders lose more money when their trades end as losses than they can gain when their trades end up as profits. It is estimated that for every 70 profit that end up in profits, the corresponding loss of the same trade if it ends in a loss is 85. The implication of this is that for a trader to break even, the winning percentage has to be at least 55. It will therefore take a trader winning 6 trades out of ten to get into profit, but only 4 trades out of ten to end up in the red. Trade Corrections When trading a market like the forex or commodities market, it is possible to close a trade with minimal losses and open another profitable one, if a repeat analysis of the trade reveals the first trade to have been a mistake. This scenario cannot be replicated in binary options 8211 the moment a trader has placed a trade, the value of his equity in the trade drops to reflect the trade commissions taken off by the broker. The payout on the reverse trade is fixed and cannot be used to cover the loss from the wrong trade. Spot Forex vs Binary Trading These are two different alternatives, traded with two different psychologies, but both can make sense as investment tools. One is more TIME centric and the other is more PRICE centric. They both work in timeprice but the focus you will find from one to the other is an interesting split. Spot forex traders might overlook time as a factor in their trading which is a very very big mistake. The successful binary trader has a more balanced view of timeprice, which simply makes him a more well rounded trader. Binaries by their nature force one to exit a position within a given time frame win or lose which instills a greater focus on discipline and risk management. In forex trading this lack of discipline is the 1 cause for failure to most traders as they will simply hold losing positions for longer periods of time and cut winning positions in shorter periods of time. In binary options that is not possible as time expires your trade ends win or lose. Below are some examples of how this works. Above is a trade made on the EURUSD buying in an under 10 minute window of price and time. As a binary trader this focus will naturally make you better than the below example, where a spot forex trader who focuses on price while ignoring the time element ends up in trouble. This psychology of being able to focus on limits and the dual axis will aid you in becoming a better trader overall. The very advantage of spot trading is its very same failure 8211 the expansion of profits exponentially from 1 point in price. This is to say that if you enter a position that you believe will increase in value and the price does not increase yet accelerates to the downside, the normal tendency for most spot traders is to wait it out or worse add to the losing positions as they figure it will come back. The acceleration in time to the opposite desired direction causes most spot traders to be trapped in unfavourable positions, all because they do not plan time into their reasoning, and this leads to a complete lack of trading discipline. The nature of binary options force one to have a more complete mindset of trading off both Y Price Range and X Time Range as limits are applied. They will simply make you a better overall trader from the start . Conversely on the flip side, they by their nature require a greater win rate as each bet means a 70-90 gain vs a 100 loss . So your win rate needs to be on average 54-58 to break even. This imbalance causes many traders to overtrade or revenge trade which is just as bad as holdingadding to losing positions as a spot forex trader. To successfully trade you need to practice money management and emotional control. In conclusion, when starting out as a trader, binaries might offer a better foundation to learn trading . The simple reasoning is that the focus on TIMEPRICE combined is like looking both ways when crossing the street. The average spot forex trader only looks at price, which means he is only looking in one direction before crossing the street. Learning to trade taking both time and price into consideration should aid in making one a much overall trader. References and Further ReadingSelamat Datang the 1 Binary Options site for Indonesians Binary Options are the fastes growing financial trading product in the world today. They are simple to understand, offer very high returns of up to 91 . cover a huge range of global assets, with a limited downside, all while only requiring a low start-up investment from as little as 10. This means people new to trading and experienced traders are quickly jumping on binary option trading. I came across this site a month ago and I deposited 100 into IQ Option . now I am making a profit of up to 895 a day trading. Well more than my job I couldnt be happier, thank-you Hasan Sandjojo, Yogyakarta We provide you with a clear understanding of what Binary Options are, examples, terminology, latest trading strategies and signals used by Binary Option traders along with finding you a reliable and suitable broker. All this is importantly designed to help you make a profit . day in day out. Join the revolution today Top 5 Binary Option Brokers for Indonesians What are Binary Options Binary Options are the newest and simplest financial trading product to be made available to both new and experienced traders. Binary Options are a form of an option that provides a fixed deadline for expiration with a fixed payout. Binary Options trading only has two outcomes for traders8230 read more Why Trade Binary Options Binary Options are a quick and easy way for traders to profit from price movements. The popularity of Binary Options is down to their: 1. Simplicity you simply need to decide whether the asset will increase or decrease in a set period of time. 2. Fast moving profit from short term price movements from as low as 60 seconds. 3. Capped risk know your maximum potential profit and loss before you trade. 4. Trade in any market volatility make a profit in even in the flattest of markets. 5. Low capital requirements open an account from 10, trade from just 1. 6. Access to global markets trade 100s assets from forex, stocks, indices, commodities to Bitcoin. 7. No commission trading is free of any commission. 8. High returns profit up to a huge 91 per trade. Binary Option Example Trading binary options just takes 3 simple steps: EURUSD is trading at 1.37665 and you predict the currency pair will be lower in the next 30 minutes and you want to invest 25 Simple. Find EURUSD in the brokers asset list, select the time period of 30 minutes, enter 25 as your investment amount, click on the PUT (sell) button and execute the trade. The return on the trade is 87. Youve now predicted that the currency pair EURUSD will be lower than the current level of 1.37665 in 30 minutes time. After 30 minutes EURUSD is trading at 1.37450, lower than the price 30 minutes earlier, and your trade has been closed automatically by the broker. Since EURUSD was trading lower as you predicted your trade is settled for a profit. The profit for a 25 investment with a return of 87 is 21.75 (25 x 87 21.75) which is credited to your broker account almost immediately. If your investment amount had have been 100 you would have made a profit of 87 on just this single trade.


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